Upcoming US Rum Releases of Interest — October 2023

Here’s a new list of upcoming rum releases for the US market compiled from TTB label certifications approved in September. These are only label approvals recorded at the US TTB, so none of these are likely to be available yet and it’s anyone’s guess when they might appear in stores.

This doesn’t include every rum label approval, I’ve tried to triage the approvals to the brands that people would recognize, while also including other labels that might be interesting and excluding spiced/flavored products and most cachacas.

The TTB approved 84 rum labels in total this month, 47 are covered here.

This month’s highlights include a slew of Samaroli blends (and a Samaroli Caroni), a Florida fresh sugar cane juice rum that doesn’t mention the word “agricole” anywhere on the label, Buffalo Trace launches a 151-proof rum, many Chairman’s Reserve single casks, more Oaxacan wild fermented rums, an Enmore from Tamosi, and a new brand of Thai rum from La Maison & Velier.

Especially interesting is a (now surrendered) label approval from Mount Gay for a 4 YO Coffey column still rum.

US Government Shutdown Note: At the moment, it appears likely that the US House leadership won’t be able to pass a budget and another semi-regular US Federal government shutdown may begin on 1 October. If this happens, it is likely that label approvals will be delayed until the situation is resolved. If the shutdown extends well into October there may be a large backlog of label requests that may take time to process. If that’s the case next month’s report might be shorter than usual.

Skipped: Camazotz updated information on their back label, but the rum itself doesn’t appear to have changed.

I would love to hear if this report is useful to you, and how I can make it more useful. I’m also interested to hear if you think I should change the format any. I’m considering removing the “Other Releases of Note” section at the end and just putting everything together. I’m also working on a way to make some of the odd-shaped images work better in the page (WordPress’ gallery feature wants every image to be the same size, which leads to some pictures getting cut off and others stretched.

You can find the September edition of the report here.

Alambique Serrano

Single Cask 11: Mirate, La Cueva. Filed 11 September 2023.

Single Cask 6: Mirate, Ex-Cognac. Filed 11 September 2023.

Chairman’s Reserve

Master’s Selection 12 YO Coffey for Tower Atlanta, Filed 12 September 2023.

Master’s Selection 14 YO Coffey for Spiribam, Filed 12 September 2023.

Master’s Selection 12 YO Coffey for Spiribam, Filed 12 September 2023.

Master’s Selection 12 YO John Dore for Spiribam, Filed 12 September 2023.

Master’s Selection 16 YO Coffey Port Wine finish for Spiribam, Filed 12 September 2023.

13 years in ex-bourbon, then 3 years in ex-port.

Master’s Selection 16 YO Coffey Port Wine finish for Spiribam, Filed 12 September 2023.

13 years in ex-bourbon, then 3 years in ex-port.

Master’s Selection 16 YO Coffey Port Wine finish for Florida Rum Society, Filed 12 September 2023.

Master’s Selection 13 YO John Dore/Coffey blend, Filed 12 September 2023.


Ambassador Selection Cask Strength, Filed 20 September 2023.

Mantuano, Filed 20 September 2023.

Reserva Exclusiva, Filed 13 September 2023.

El Dorado

10 YO Single Barrel for Binny’s, Filed 19 September 2023.

11 YO Single Barrel for Binny’s, Filed 19 September 2023.

Mount Gay

Master Blender Collection Coffey Still Tribute to Blues, Filed 18 September 2023.

“Blues” is Mount Gay’s restored Coffey column still.

One thing to note is that this approval has been surrendered, meaning it’s no longer needed by the distillery. I assume a new label approval will come in the future (there may be a mistake on this label that’ll be corrected on the new one).


2010 Panama, Filed 25 August 2023.


There were several new Samaroli releases last month as well. These approvals were delayed, as the requests were filed at the same time as last month’s approvals.

1997 Caroni Rum Cask 77, Filed 18 August 2023.

2003 Guyana Rum Cask 63, Filed 18 August 2023.

2009 Pacific Oblivion Blend 4, Filed 18 August 2023.

Samba Blend, Filed 18 August 2023.

This is interesting. A country of origin isn’t listed (Scotland is where it’s bottled). Perhaps a blend of (or with) Brazilian rum? We’ve seen several IBs releasing product from Brazil this year.

Trinidad Carnival Blend, Filed 18 August 2023.

Yehmon Soul Blended Rum, Filed 18 August 2023.

2017 Martinique with 2014/2015 Mauritius rum.

Yehmon Retro Blended Rum, Filed 18 August 2023.

2007 Belize with 2011 Guatemalan rum.

Yehmon Classic Blended Rum, Filed 18 August 2023.

2006 Trinidad with 2014/2015 Mauritius rum.

Jamaica Rhapsody Blended Rum, Filed 18 August 2023.


This is a new brand of Thai rum imported by La Maison & Velier. There’s not much information on it yet, and the distillery isn’t given on the label but is believed to be SangSom.

12 YO, Filed 31 August 2023.


Haubariria Enmore KFM 1991, Filed 20 September 2023.


White Rum, Filed 21 September 2023.

Other Releases of Note

Artesano Anejo Artesanal 1 YO, Filed 17 September 2023.

Artesano 2023 Artist Rum Series, Filed 17 September 2023.

Casa Elemental Colecciones Rum Artesanal Blanco, Filed 23 August 2023.

This may be submitted in error, aside from a few phrases and the UPC code this and the next one seem to be referring to the same spirit. This might be an earlier version of the label that they mistakenly submitted before filing again with the new one.

Casa Elemental Colecciones Rum Blanco Artesanal, Filed 23 August 2023.

Casa Elemental Colecciones Rum Anejo Artesanal, Filed 23 August 2023.

Cihuatan 20 YO Nantli Anniversary Edition, Filed 1 September 2023.

DJK Imports JMWP Jamaica 1994, Filed 20 September 2023.

This is a strange label. The rum itself is another single cask of 1994 New Yarmouth rum (many, many of these have hit the market over the last 4-5 years). But the label.. I’ve only ever seen JMWP used as a code for Worthy Park before. JMWP isn’t a marque of New Yarmouth (and neither are JM or WP) so I wonder if the JMWP is a label error? The off-center JAMAICA on the front makes me think this might be a rough draft instead of the actual final label.

Dorveille Belizean Rum, Filed 29 August 2023.

This is 15 YO rum sourced from Travelers. Apologies for the weird image formatting, these are long images.

Emmanuel Camut Rum Primitif, Filed 29 August.

Monte Negro Rum Grogue, Filed 29 August 2023.

We’ve already seen this grogue on the market with a similar label and imported by La Maison & Velier. This is a slightly different label with a lower ABV (40% instead of 45%) and a different importer.

Pusser’s Rum 1 Liter, Filed 22 August 2023.

I’m not sure there’s anything new here, perhaps the liter bottle is new?

Roble Viejo 12 YO Ultra Anejo, 5 September 2023.

Apologies again for the long, weirdly formatted images.

Roble Viejo 8 YO Extra Anejo, Filed 13 September 2023.

Roble Viejo 8 YO Maestro, Filed 5 September 2023.

Savoy White Rum, Filed 11 September 2023.

Savoy Dark Rum, Filed 11 September 2023.

There are three label approvals for this – one for 200ml, one for 700ml, and this for 1L.

Tropic Isle Palms (Buffalo Trace), Filed 5 September 2023.

Interesting to see Buffalo Trace releasing a new 151-proof rum.

Wicked Dolphin Florida Cane Juice, Filed 23 August 2023.

This sounds interesting – a fresh cane juice rum from Florida. And they don’t use the word “agricole” anywhere on the label!

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